As I reflected on these images, it felt trite but I found myself thinking of a recurring line from the futurist TV series WestWorld: “Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world. The disarray. I choose to see the beauty.”
While I can’t exactly claim that outlook as my own, I do strive to overcome the survival mechanism many of us have; the tendency to focus on the negative.
As image makers—especially in marketing—we often operate within a highly predetermined framework. Yet, chance sometimes reveals charm in unexpected places, if you have the luxury to allow for such a risky thing as chance. This holds true in both music and the visual arts, where there's something powerful in allowing chance or nature to take its course, resisting our human urge to interfere and control. In that sense, these images feel like a collection of personalities that were gifted to me by nature. “Challenging what is beautiful,” is what a friend said. I think what I was after was eschewing visceral disgust for something absurdly delectable.
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